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Sport Horse Events & Activities

The Kentucky Summer Horse Shows

This is a series of two 5-day competitions which include several evening Grand Prix competitions that are free to the public, family friendly and lots of fun whether you’re an experienced horseman or a total novice. This event draws some of the top hunter/jumper talent in the country, including former Olympic horses and riders! Check the Kentucky Horse Park’s website for a calendar of events and dates. www.kyhorsepark.com

Land Rover Kentucky Three-Day Event

Known as the Best Weekend All Year this annual event showcases the best horses and riders from around the world at our own Kentucky Horse Park. In addition to the exciting competition action, the event features a world-class trade fair, food vendors and more. Always held the last full weekend in April, you’ll be sure to want to add this exciting event to your to-do list! www.kentuckythreedayevent.com

Lexington Junior League Charity Horse Show

This show is a prestigious event with regular attendance of around 30,000 people and attracts nationally renowned competitors. It is the largest outdoor show for the American Saddlebred in the world. For dates and information visit www.lexjrleague.com

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